How to De-stress During the Holidays

We all know that things tend to get out of control during the holidays, especially if you’re notoriously known to procrastinate.

Honestly though, as exciting and joy-filled as holidays are, there’s no escaping the anxiety and pressure that you’re put under. That’s exactly why you need to prioritize… well… YOU. Along the way, we’ve learned a few things about de-stressing during the holidays, and here are some of our simple tips and tricks for winding down:

Let’s Face It With Face Masques

Face masques may seem like an obvious choice, but it really does do the trick. Even if it’s just for a few sweet minutes, you’ve given yourself a break from reality and entered into a world of comfort and relaxation.

Order one from the comfort of your home from OR,  just give us a visit and we can personally recommend the perfect replenishing, hydrating, tightening face masque for your skin! Our favorite, the Snow Mushroom & Reishi Masque will leave your skin feeling contoured, detoxified, and depuffed. Just imagine: you’ve got nowhere to be, you put on your face mask and your fluffy robe, you have a glass of wine in hand, and you’re binge-watching The Great British Baking Show. Deal with the stress AFTER you wash off your masque (definitely recommend an overnight mask if that’s the case).

Scrub Down To Feel Up

If a face masque doesn’t do it for you, a body scrub is the next most suitable tier up the self-care ladder. Have you ever used a scrub and came out feeling smoother than a marble? After a vigorous scrubbing, a soothing body oil massage will leave you feeling polished and stress-free.

Our personal favorite scrub has to be Stone Crop Revitalizing Body Scrub. It’s HEAVEN if you’re obsessed with all things organic and natural. This scrub will exfoliate, tighten, reduce inflammation, and revive and rejuvenate your spirits during the holiday season. Taking the time to indulge in scrubbing down will surely help you keep your mind off of all the chaos this season brings!

Spa Is The Word

We all know it’s time to go in for a pedicure when you can exfoliate one foot with the other one. Sure that’s gross, but that just means it’s high time you set aside all your holiday crazy and go in for an hour-long spa treatment! Our spa services are made to cleanse your mind, along with your skin. Take some time for yourself, and let us help you de-stress for a few calm hours. From our stress-relieving head massages and facials to our nail treatments we will make sure to get you through the holidays feeling and looking glam!


Happy Holidays!

Mila NIC

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