Summertime Skincare Products

It’s summertime, how did this happen already?! It’s time for endless outdoor fun, like hanging out at a backyard cookout with your favorite drink in hand. Honestly, it sounds like heaven to us – but with this comes great responsibility for your skin! You want to keep your skin hydrated and soft yet very protected. The sun can be your best friend when you have pool day plans, but your worst enemy when it comes to skincare. Eminence Organics has just what you need for a perfect summertime skin ritual!

We’re sharing some of our favorite products for this summer.

Lilikoi Mineral Defense Sport Sunscreen SPF 30

I think we all know by now that sunscreen is a MUST. Nobody wants their face to look like a greased up pig after applying an oily sunscreen… Luckily, Eminence Organics understands!


Their Lilikoi Mineral Defense sunscreen is non-greasy and also water-resistant. This stuff is made for the activities you love in the summer like swimming or hiking, and if you’re not into that, you can still use it just to hang out outside.

Citrus & Kale Potent C+E Serum

Let’s get real, unless you’re a newborn baby, your skin has been exposed to the sun! More than likely, it’s been pretty damaged by the sun. Eminence’s Potent C+E Serum is a much-needed dose of Vitamin C! Vitamin C brightens your skin, reduces wrinkles, and overall brings back some youthful glow. This serum can benefit any skin type too!

Mangosteen Body Lotion

Besides your face (although important), you also have to take care of the rest of your body! You know that feeling after a long day in the sun once you get a shower, and put that soothing lotion on your skin… it’s a smooth satisfying feeling. Eminence’s mangosteen lotion absorbs quickly and hydrates all over using a gentle formula! In addition to other summer activities, pool chemicals can really dry out your skin. You need this lotion, period.


Rosehip & Lemongrass Lip Balm SPF 15

Hydrating and protecting your lips from the sun is vital, but who else forgets about it sometimes? We’re guilty of it too! This lip balm stick from Eminence might just get you hooked on the importance of lip health. Not only does it protect from the sun (omg what’s worse than sunburnt lips), but it also restores the softness you want. This is one of those products that you need in your purse – you will want it with you at all times! It’s just that good.

Eminence Organic Skin Care products are always made natural and ecosystem friendly! Their ingredients are healthy and effective for all skin types. Whether you’re at our spa getting a facial or just using some of their products at home, you can trust that your skin is in good hands!


Shop your own Eminence Organics products on our Shop Shannon’s website, or reserve an appointment with us in our spa.

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