The Magic Treatment Line: Fusio-Dose

Summer’s here and it’s time to whip up your favorite cocktail! And no, we’re not talking about your favorite fruity marg, but the signature Kerastase Fusio-Dose cocktail treatment. The Kerastase Fusio-Dose treatment is personalized for your individual hair type. So whether you are bleached, oily, dry, damaged, or brittle this treatment will be your fix.

How it Works

The first step in the Fusio-Dose treatment would be to consult your stylist. Your stylist knows your hair from root to tip!. They know, from the second you sit in that chair exactly what your hair needs to be healthy again, so always consult your stylist to ensure the best course of action!

Your stylist can recommend which Fusio-Dose concentré + Booster combination will work for you. For example, if you have rough or dry hair, the combination of the Nutrition Injection Oléo Fusion with the Booster Brilliance will transform your hair for a softer touch and a more radiant shine. And again, if you have brittle, bleached hair the Reconstruction Injection Concentré Vita-Ciment with the Booster Cicafibre will create a lasting shield that will protect weakened hair from any further hair damage.

The stylist will then blend and apply the Fusio-Dose concentré and booster formula to your problem areas. They will then finish with a thermique to protect your hair from heat before blow-drying and finishing off your look.

For all of our blonde babes out there, we want to put you on an exciting new Fusio-Dose product: the Concentré Ultra-Violet! This is an add-on to the Booster Cicafibre blonde care Fusio-Dose treatment for an ultra-concentrated shot of moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid and Ultra-Violet anti-brass agents!

This powerful new duo instantly eliminates HALF of the damage from bleaching accumulated over a year. An instant dose of purple care to keep color bright and balance like never before! The Fusio-Dose treatment is truly magic and transformative and the crazy thing is that it happens within MINUTES! Don’t wait to get the corrective hair treatment you need, and reserve an appointment today!

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