Going Blonde for Spring

Spring is all about change and reinventing yourself, so what better time to bring change into your life than the beginning of a new season? Our tribe members are itching to get their hands on your hair to give you the dream hair of your fantasies for the warmer weather.

Now, let’s also keep in mind that if you are looking for a drastic change to blonde, it will take a serious consultation with your favorite tribe member. After consulting with you, they will go through the different color options until you land on your favorite. Pro tip: Don’t forget to ask your stylist what products you will need to maintain your luscious blonde look because girl, blonde hair can be cute, but damaged hair is not.

Sweet like Honey Blonde

This look is THE classic blonde look, especially if you’re into warmer tones. Perfect for the springtime, it is guaranteed to brighten your face and give you fresh Sarah Cameron from the Outer Banks vibes. I think something is missing from the second sentence lol

If you’re looking for more options, always ask your tribe member about the different types of honey blonde looks. From a darker caramel blonde to lighter platinum to different ombre options, you can pick from a variety of different styles and looks that fit exactly who you are.  

Pop a Bottle of Champagne

Well if we’re going to drink to spring we might as well go the extra mile and get that champagne blonde hair. This hair color is more versatile than other blonde colors, and it works beautifully with light brunettes too. With soft baby pink or peach undertones, it will create a creamy, classy, and shiny look just like a bottle of champagne. We’ll raise a glass to that!

Embrace Your Roots

Now, this is for our guests with the darker roots; yes you can go blonde and it doesn’t have to be a drastic transformation! Just imagine darker roots and platinum ends, you can commit without committing. If you have a hard time coming into the salon for frequent touch-ups this is the look for you, we call it the #StayHomeChic.

Overall, blonde looks have limitless potential and there’s just so much you can do with them. We also want to make sure you’re taking care of your hair and applying only the best products that will provide optimal protection. Kerastase Blond Absolu is guaranteed to provide nourishment and instant fiber care as well as immediate anti-brass action to achieve ideal blonding. It maintains and perfects cool tones while hydrating and illuminating your hair from within. We highly recommend when you come in for a consultation, that you ask for the nourishing hair treatment for your hair!

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