Why Redken Is Worth The Investment

Got Redken? Here’s Why You Should

Before there was Ulta, and before there was Sephora, there was one classic beauty product brand that spawned a cult following: Redken. And eventually, it took the hair industry by storm.

In today’s age, Redken has become synonymous with hair care products that not only function well but are a true delight to use. But if you’re wondering if it’s worth all that hype, here’s the breakdown on that answer.

The History of Redken

Redken was founded in 1960 thanks to beauty’s up-and-coming power duo: Paula Kent and Jheri Redding.

You see, Kent had sensitive hair that just didn’t seem to love any of the products on the market at the time. Redding was a chemist that used a scientific approach to beauty. So he set out to create a low pH hair product for Kent. Eventually, Redken paired with the infamous Vidal Sassoon to take the country’s hair salons by storm.

Today, the brand falls under the L’Oreal beauty umbrella. It’s known for high-quality hair products so you can have a good hair day – every day. They’re all about making products that help keep your hair happy, healthy, and radiant.

But that’s what most beauty brands claim, so you have to wonder: is Redken worth the hype?

Yes. Yes. And More Yes.

The Redken hair care line might cost you a few more dollars than your average drugstore products – but it’s still budget-friendly (and the results are so worth it.) With a bit of Redken magic, you can recreate your salon-worthy style at home.

The beauty of Redken is that they’ve worked to develop products for virtually any hair type. Wavy. Straight. Curly. Frizzy. Damaged – you name it, they’ve created products that help you get the most out of your natural texture and style.

One of our favorites is their fan fave Volume Maximizer Thickening Spray. It delivers unbelievable volume and movement to even the thinnest hair. Just spray and go for all-day weightless volume.

But don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s not for curly folks, too. You can use this on second-day curls to bring them back to life and avoid that dreaded flat bedhead look.

Whatever hair challenges you face, Redken’s worked tirelessly to create products so you can always have the hair of your dreams.

Conclusion: Your Hair Deserves the Redken Treatment

Sure. Redken products may be a few dollars more than the drugstore alternative, but doesn’t your hair deserve the best? You’ll see incredible results and wonder why you ever settled for less. With a little Redken magic, you can get healthy salon styles without ever needing to leave your house.

Ready to experience it for yourself? Reserve your appointment with one of our Tribe professionals today to get the full Redken experience.

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