Winter Skincare for Sweater Weather

Listen, we love the winter season just as much as the next person. What’s not to love? The soft dusting of snow, comfy oversized sweaters, the crackle of a warm fireplace, rich and creamy hot chocolate, and of course Disney movies (don’t know about you but Disney movies just hit harder during the wintertime). As much as we appreciate the winter fun, we also tend to experience dry, moisture-sucking (more like life-sucking) air. It’s not only the crisp air that depletes your body’s natural moisture, but turning up the heat in your home or office, and those long, hot, and steamy showers will do it!

The thing is, we have a little secret to prevent this life-sucking…uh..moisture-sucking phenomenon and that is our Eminence Skincare line. We kid you not, we trust this line with our body and soul and they have yet to fail us in our battle against dry, patchy, winter-related skin disasters. Again, trust us when we say you’re going to want to check out these products if you want to get through this year without the dreaded flaky itchy skin that coincides with the winter season.

We’re Better People When We’re Moisturized

Enhance your skincare routine this winter with a strong and soothing moisturizer. Our all-time favorite and a guest favorite is the Firm Skin Acai Moisturizer. This moisturizer’s main purpose is to hydrate and nourish your skin. It’ll strengthen and increase the appearance of elasticity for fresh, hydrated, younger-looking skin!

Scrub Down To Feel Up

If Acai isn’t for you, don’t worry, we’ve got options! The Bright Skin Moisturizer with SPF 30 is the next best thing! We know, you know, but here’s a reminder anyway: Apply sunscreen during the winter season! Just because it’s dark outside doesn’t mean you won’t get exposed to UV rays. Luckily, if you have a moisturizer with SPF, then you have nothing to worry about! The Bright Skin Moisturizer will brighten up and rejuvenate your skin, while eliminating the appearance of those pesky dark spots, all the while protecting you against future damage with the built-in broad-spectrum SPF.

The True Power of Face Oil  

A single drop of face oil can go a long way for the health of your skin. The Facial Recovery Oil has some restorative magic that will seal in everything you apply to your skin beforehand (remember to apply the oil at the end of your skincare routine). This Facial Recovery Oil is toning, hydrating, and contains nourishing herbs and oils that will soothe and renew sensitive skin.  

You’re One Facial Away From A Good Mood And Glowing Skin

Great skin will show up when you do! We understand the importance of hydrated, glowing, and rejuvenated skin, but we also understand that having healthy skin will improve your confidence and empower you to strut through the rest of the year like it never happened. So believe us when we say that our Hydrojelly Facial (doesn’t that sound fun?) is the perfect facial to gift to yourself. First, the Hydrojelly Facial is LAVISHLY refreshing and is made to restore your skin’s natural balance. We’ll tone, exfoliate, massage, and layer different Eminence products into your skin. Once the Hydrojelly mask is mixed and applied, you’ll get treated to a gentle neck, shoulder, and upper arm massage. At the end of this treatment, you’ll be moisturized and feeling invigorated, hydrated, and ready to conquer the next disaster headed your way. Wintertime really is hard, but we have your back. We care about your skincare routine and we offer only THE BEST skincare products to our guests. Lets work together and we can make you a skincare routine that will give you youthful, glowing skin all year long!

Mila NIC

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