Racheal’s internal ‘arteest’ has a devout love for color and hand-eye techniques. She can’t deny it. Color. Color. Color.
BUT. The foundation of cosmetology is a great haircut. She’d personally be more flattered to be revered as a great haircutter than a great colorist. Well, we say she’s both. How’s that for flattery? Craftsmanship isn’t lost on her, and she is consistently evolving her craft: as an educator, a colorist, and a haircutter. Word to the wise: she specializes in short cuts, particularly for women.
Let your hairdown. Racheal invites an open line of communication into what you love about your look and where she can help and is always eager to shake things up.
She thrives on human connections, all things sensory, and strives to help people genuinely see themselves as purely as she sees them: beautiful souls.
She’s a free spirit and a deep lover: of her family unit, books, words, spirituality, and day drinking and has that windows-down-over-AC-while-driving kind of vibe.
She starts every morning with a cup of coffee and meditation which is likely where all that radiating positive energy derives. It’s charmingly infectious. You’ll see.
A chunk of happiness. A ton of soul. And all things joy, inside + out. We’re pretty sure her professional and personal life approach is to throw that stuff around like confetti.And who would deny an open invitation to that kind of party (just don’t forget the bourbon and fried chicken)?